Please fill out the booking inquiry form here. I try my best to be prompt with responses but please allow up to a week or so for a reply – if you haven’t heard back after this period, feel free to send through another request. I try to dedicate specific time each week for admin and emails (this is usually Mondays).

Please note that if I feel that I am not well suited to the style or design you have in mind, I will recommend someone else who I know would be better suited (usually one of my talented colleagues). At the moment I am prioritising larger custom designs that push me as an artist – and prioritising more detailed, realistic, and multi-style pieces.

That said, variety is the spice of life and I still enjoy having a day of smaller pieces amongst the bigger projects – so please feel free to send though your ideas, big, small and everywhere in between.

Please note that due to an ongoing back injury, I cannot comfortably take on rib pieces (or anything which requires the client to lay on their side, which means I have to stand and hunch). This does not include sternum or back pieces where the client can lay flat as I can still sit in these positions. If you are unsure, please get in touch and we can discuss further.

Yes, all bookings require a $100 non-refundable deposit within 48 hours to be confirmed. Full day bookings require a $200 deposit. This comes off the total cost of the tattoo on the day (or on the final session for multi-day bookings), and is transferable in case of reschedule* as long as there is a minimum of 48 hours notice.

The deposit is taken to cover the design time and space saved for the appointment. Once confirmed, that space is blocked off for others to book – it is therefore forfeited if cancelled and in the case of a last-minute reschedule, as with less than 48 hours notice, it is incredibly difficult to fill that space and lost income.

Tattooists are contractors – if we don’t tattoo, we don’t earn, so please get in touch ASAP if you need to reschedule, so your deposit can be transferred to your new date.

* Please note, more than 3 reschedules will require a new deposit, regardless of notice period.

Designs are prioritised by appointment date, and therefore unfortunately are unable to be sent through well in advance.

I am tattooing full-time and can only draw outside of this time – at night after work, and on days off. I do aim to send through designs the night before the appointment, and there is time prior to our session to make any tweaks needed – we don’t start tattooing until you are 100% satisfied with it.

I fully understand the apprehension of a new tattoo and eagerness to see it ASAP, so really appreciate your trust and patience with the design.

Please note that a confirmed appointment and paid deposit are required before any designs are started.

Unfortunately at this stage I do not have the capacity to prioritise designs without a confirmed (deposit paid) tattoo booking. If I do take on drawing commissions at a later date this will be updated here.

Smaller pieces under 3 hours are quoted by the piece – based on design, sizing, placement, level of detail and a rough timeframe expected.

Larger pieces are quoted as half day (3-4 hours) or full day (6 hour) sittings.

Anything under an hour carries a minimum charge of $180 per person. This is because whether a piece takes 15 or 45 minutes, the same amount of set up, disposable equipment, etc is required per person – and the remainder of that hour cannot be booked by anyone else.

If you have several tiny pieces you are considering, its recommended to have them done during the same session, to make the best use of the minimum charge.

No – in WA, you cannot tattoo or brand a person under 18 years of age without the written consent of a parent or legal guardian. However, at Elysian Tattoo Co. there is a strict NO underage tattoo policy, and IDs may be requested upon arrival of your appointment if you appear underage.

Many people compare the feeling of being tattooed to that of a continuous cat-scratch or scratching a sunburn. Depending on the size, style, and where on the body you are getting tattooed, the pain can vary dramatically.

Spots that tend to be voted most painful include the ribs, calves, ankles, wrists, inner elbow, shins and throat. Heavier/bolder designs and those with a lot of colour saturation also tend to be more painful than fineline designs or softer shading.

In general, I do not recommend numbing cream, as it changes the consistency of the skin (making it more rubbery and difficult to penetrate), and often does not heal as well. It also usually only lasts for 1-3 hours, so for longer sessions, the client often ends up more uncomfortable as halfway through the tattoo, the pain goes from 0-100, rather than allowing the body to get accustomed naturally and dull the pain as we go.

If you feel like you will sit poorly and do want to use numbing cream, please let me know in advance and we can discuss which brands to go for and which to avoid – and this way I can be prepared to tattoo the skin under the effects of the numbing cream.

Please note that poor heals resulting from using numbing cream may require another session that would not otherwise have been needed if the skin had been unaltered – this does not fall under a free touch up, and would be at the client’s expense.

If you decide to use numbing cream, always do a small patch test beforehand, for every new tube. Some people are allergic, but even well-established brands can have inconsistencies in the manufacturing process – there have been cases of severe chemical burns (3rd degree requiring skin grafts) resulting from bad batches from trusted brands. Please make sure you are aware of the risks to assess if it is worth using.

Mostly, yes! We can tattoo over/near/around scars, however every scar is different and we will need to assess how the tattoo will work and potentially heal over this area with regards to the age, texture, colour etc.

We can also have a chat about what to expect when tattooing over this skin and what can be realistically achieved with certain styles or designs in regards to the severity/texture/placement of the scar.

Please note that sometimes scar tissue does have difficulty with holding ink. You may notice some inconsistencies after your tattoo is healed between the scar tissue and the surrounding skin.

The ink under our skin tends to spread/expand as it ages, and if we don’t allow enough room for it to do so, it runs the risk of blurring into itself over time. For this reason, anything particularly detailed needs to be sized up to allow for this expansion without compromising the design years down the track. If you would prefer to size down, this means we will likely need to simplify the design instead.

Unless the reference you have has been commissioned especially for you and you have the permission of the artist (and it will make a good tattoo), I do not tattoo another artist’s work.

Similarly, if you or a friend have drawn the design but it will not translate well or age well as a tattoo (regardless of how nice it looks on paper), I will not tattoo it without making changes that will ensure it has the best chance at lasting on the skin. This is simply because I want your piece to stand the test of time and a lot of paper drawings do not hold up under our skin in the same way.

As tattooers we love nothing more than being given a certain amount of creative freedom when it comes to designing your new tattoo. This will ensure we are able to create a unique and custom design, that is both aesthetically pleasing and works in harmony with the natural curvature of the body.

The pieces we are most drawn to are typically those where there aren’t too many restrictions imposed on us. If we feel we will have to compromise our artistic ability, or the integrity of your tattoo in order to include every design aspect you like, we often won’t take on the project.

I personally want each client to be happy with the design, but also want to be confident that I have made a piece the best it could be from a creative perspective. Please do not be offended if I recommend somebody else for a piece that I do not feel I can do justice – we all have different styles and preferences, and it’s important your artist feels as passionate about your piece as you do.

Not necessarily. Whilst I do like to take pictures of my work for my portfolio (especially my larger custom designs and ongoing projects), if you do not wish to have a picture taken, there is no obligation whatsoever.

During busy periods, the admin of posting get sidelined for tattooing, inquiries and drawing – but if you’d like me to send them to you, that is no problem at all.

Please arrive on time so that we can start tattooing as soon as possible. We still need to print out and stencil the design and we don’t want this preparation to cut too much into our tattoo time. Wear clean and comfortable clothing, and ensure you’re well hydrated and have had a decent meal prior to your session.

Ensure you have allowed plenty of time for your session. If you need to leave early, please let me know prior to your appointment – your tattoo is forever and we don’t want to rush it. If need be, we can always book a second session to finish it off at a later date.

Do not fake tan or shave the area in the week prior to your appointment. If you prefer to shave the area yourself, the night before or morning of is best so there is no regrowth – otherwise, I will clean and shave it for you prior to beginning the tattoo. Please avoid too much sun exposure prior to your tattoo – we cannot tattoo sunburnt skin and your appointment will need to be rebooked.

Please do not drink heavily the night before or come to your appointment hungover or intoxicated. I will not tattoo anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and heavy drinking the night before does thin the blood which can affect the tattoo the next day. In addition, getting tattooed whilst hungover is never a pleasant experience – save the drinks for afterwards to celebrate the new ink.

You are welcome to bring one support person with you to your appointment – however we do ask they wait in reception when we begin tattooing. The studio is not large enough to comfortably fit extra people on the tattoo floor and it becomes crowded very quickly.

If you are booked for a full day, we will take several breaks throughout the day, including lunch and loo/stretch breaks. I want you to be as comfortable as possible, so if you need a break, don’t be afraid to ask!

Working with skin can be unpredictable, and sometimes the healing process can affect the end result. If you find that there are any areas of your tattoo that may have healed lighter/faded out during the heal, please get in touch.

I am happy to provide a free touch up within 3 months of your original session, provided you have cared for the tattoo appropriately (yes, we can tell 😉).

If there has been improper aftercare of your new tattoo (eg. picking, scratching, swimming, infection) and there is ink fallout which requires significant reworking, there will be a touch up fee.

Please note – any areas prone to fallout such as hands, feet, ears (inside and behind) do not fall under free touch ups as they are notorious for needing regular maintenance to stay sharp. If you are considering a tattoo in any of these areas, please be aware that they are likely to fade/fall out faster or heal poorly due to the nature of the skin there.

This depends entirely on the original/existing piece and if it can be successfully covered or reworked to a high standard. Unsuccessful cover ups are those that are just for the sake of just hiding the old tattoo, but at the expense of the new design.

Often, especially with older or very dark tattoos, it is beneficial to have a few sessions of laser removal prior to attempting a cover/rework, so that we have more flexibility with the new design, and a better chance at achieving a result you will be happy with.

We strictly do not tattoo anybody who is pregnant.

While we take every precaution possible to prevent infection, tattooing involves opening the skin and a 2-3 week healing process where it can be exposed to the elements – which means should you get an infection during that period, there will always be a small risk of passing it onto your baby.

This also has the potential to occur during breastfeeding, even though the risk is very small. If you are breastfeeding and wish to get tattooed, it is at your own discretion. However, it is not recommended.